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dc.contributor.author Alvarez, C
dc.contributor.author Ciolac, EG
dc.contributor.author Guimaraes, GV
dc.contributor.author Andrade, DC
dc.contributor.author Vasquez-Munoz, M
dc.contributor.author Monsalves-Alvarez, M
dc.contributor.author Delgado-Floody, P
dc.contributor.author Alonso-Martinez, AM
dc.contributor.author Izquierdo, M
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-17T15:55:27Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-17T15:55:27Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri https://repositorio.uoh.cl/handle/611/808
dc.description.abstract We sought to assess the residual effects (post 72-h training cessation) on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and fasting insulin (FI) after 12-weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training (RT), or concurrent training (CT) in women with insulin resistance (IR). We also aimed to determine the training-induced, post-training residual impact of CT. A total of adult 45 women (age 38.5 +/- 9.2years) were included in the final analysis and were assigned to a control (CG; n=13, BMI 28.3 +/- 3.6kg/m(2)), HIIT [n=14, BMI 28.6 +/- 3.6kg/m(2), three sessions/wk., 80-100% of the maximum heart rate (HRmax)], RT [n=8, BMI 29.4 +/- 5.5kg/m(2), two sessions/wk., 8-10 points of the modified Borg, corresponding to 20 to 50% range of one maximum repetition test (1RM)], or CT group (n=10, BMI 29.1 +/- 3.0kg/m(2), three sessions/wk., 80-100% of HRmax, and 8-10 Borg, or 20 to 50% range of 1RM, to each HIIT and RT compounds), with the latter including both HIIT and RT regimens. Training interventions lasted 12-weeks. The main outcomes were FPG and FI measured at pre- and 24-h and 72-h post-training (FPG(24h), FI24h, and FPG(72h), FI72h, respectively). Secondary endpoints were body composition/anthropometry and the adiposity markers waist circumference (WC) and tricipital skinfold (T-SF). The residual effects 72-h post-training [delta ( increment )] were significantly poorer (all p<0.01) in the CT group ( increment FPG(72h)+6.6mg/dl, eta(2): 0.76) than in the HIIT ( increment FPG(72h)+1.2mg/dl, eta(2): 0.07) and RT ( increment FPG(72h)+1.0mg/dl, eta(2): 0.05) groups. These findings reveal that HIIT reduces FPG and RT reduces FI 24-h post-training; both exercise interventions alone have remarkably better residual effects on FPG and FI (post-72h) than CT in women with insulin resistance.
dc.relation.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.760206
dc.subject insulin resistance
dc.subject resistance training
dc.subject high-intensity interval training
dc.subject concurrent training
dc.subject metabolism
dc.title Residual Impact of Concurrent, Resistance, and High-Intensity Interval Training on Fasting Measures of Glucose Metabolism in Women With Insulin Resistance
dc.type Artículo
dc.identifier.doi 10.3389/fphys.2021.760206
dc.citation.volume 12
dc.identifier.orcid Ciolac, Emmanuel Gomes/0000-0002-2397-8162
dc.identifier.orcid Izquierdo, Mikel/0000-0002-1506-4272
dc.identifier.orcid Delgado-Floody, Pedro/0000-0001-9952-993X
dc.identifier.orcid ALVAREZ, CRISTIAN/0000-0003-4783-9981
dc.identifier.orcid Monsalves-Alvarez, Matias/0000-0003-3163-3911
dc.identifier.orcid Guimaraes, Guilherme/0000-0003-2304-3110
dc.identifier.orcid Vasquez Munoz, Manuel/0000-0002-8409-6526
dc.identifier.orcid Alonso-Martinez, Alicia M./0000-0002-7204-696X
uoh.indizacion Web of Science

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